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Evidence Based, Low Carbon, Pro-Poor Advocacy on Sustainable Eco-Village Development (EVD).
දකුණු ආසියාවේ අවම කාබන් හා තිරසාර " පරිසර හිතකාමී ගම්මාන සංවර්ධන " ( EVD ) සඳහා සාක්ෂි මත පදනම් කරගත් උපදේශන ව්‍යාපෘති

Project Progress Summaries for 2015 and 2016

Status at 20/01/2017 -2016 Summary
Progress of EVD in Sri Lanka is showing good signs. Especially with Sri Lanka NEXT  and 10000 Climate smart villages programme put forward in Sri Lanka, potential for EVD has been further accentuated. IDEA already has been requested by additional district secretary of Matale to combine the EVD villages to the Climate smart village programme in the Matale district- region where 3 EVD villages are. This request was made after considering progress of EVD activities and demonstrations which have been carried out locally.  The test and demonstrations have been delayed and stretched, but that has helped to better advocate on EVD since ongoing, realtime implementation and interventions has built more value and trust as evidence- according to the feedback. Moreover, IDEA has had very constructive conversations with the high officials linked to the Climate change Secretariat of Sri Lanka- Director and Chairman of National experts committee on Adaptation- on the way forward for EVD. Through these conversations, it was evident that EVD as a concept was well accepted but to lift it up to national level and be included under NDCs /national policies as a climate solution, the need for a comprehensive mechanism to measure progress and emission reductions is inevitable to go along with guidelines for development. The build-up evidence has helped to better advocate through different media channels- except tv/radio. The plans are to reach relevant national stakeholders with dialogue follow-ups and national event in the months of March and May with a focus on smooth transition to EVD phase 2.

Project Duration:
The project is 2.5 years in the period of 2015-2017. It started with a kick off meeting in the beginning of April 2015 in India.

Project Objectives:

The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the development to reduce poverty in ways that limit greenhouse gas emissions (mitigate climate change) in South Asia.
The intervention objective
 of the project is to influence national decision-makers, including climate negotiators, to be aware of and better include local climate mitigation and adaptation solutions including sustainable EVD as important elements in their climate-related policies and in their proposals for international negotiations, including for climate negotiations. The sustainable EVD include integrated use of local solutions that together can form a low-carbon development path and show a vision for a prosperous development for villages, based on proven, local successes. Most focus will be on villages in rural areas, where the majority of the population lives in South Asia. 



Project Activities: 
The Project will develop a concept for sustainable village development in South Asia, and seeks to communicate it to national and international level to combat climate change. This will be facilitated by a publication on national languages, position papers, national dialogue meetings, publication of INFORSE's newsletter "Sustainable Energy News", and participation of the UN Climate Conferences.
During the project sustainable village development plans will be made in 3 selected villages from each countries. These will be prepared based on an assessment of the situation (resources, potentials) and needs, as well as through dialogues in the villages. Other results will installation of smaller demonstrations in the villages.

Please see the flow of the planed activities in the illustration underneath:



More about the activities:
- Kick Off Meeting and Seminar, April 2015.
- Side Event at the UN Climate Conference in Bonn on June 10, 2015 ( http://www.inforse.org/asia/Conf15_Bonn_side_event_INFORSE_Asia_10_June_2015.htm )
- Policy Brief, Launched at UN Climate Conference Bonn, June 10, 2015 ( http://www.inforse.org/asia/pdf/EVD_Policy_Brief_Bonn_UNFCCC_June10_2015_F.pdf)

EVD Links and material

Partner organizations and Networks- Websites and FB links
IDEA: http://www.ideasrilanka.org/evdproject.html
IDEA FB page:  https://www.facebook.com/idea.kandy
INSEDA: http://www.inseda.org/
CRT Nepal :http://www.crtnepal.org/
Grameen Shakti: http://www.gshakti.org/
INFORSE: http://www.inforse.org/
INFORSE South Asia FB page: https://www.facebook.com/INFORSE.SouthAsia/

Case Studies

  1. Indoor Air Pollution and Kitchen Improvement case study http://ideasrilanka.org/PDFDownloads/IDEA_IAP%20and%20Kitchen%20Improvement%20Case%20study.pdf
  2. Brick Production case study http://ideasrilanka.org/PDFDownloads/IDEA_Brick%20Manufacturing%20Case%20study.pdf
  3. Improved Household industrial Biomass stoves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrJHEyvhHc8
  4. Introduction to the environment friendly stove Anagi and Integrated Development Association’s current involvement in its promotion, awareness and advocacy as a part of fighting poverty sustainably https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6AtVMsxI6haV1Uzcy1nNWZkbkk/view?usp=sharing

Other case study links

Briefing notes and Publications

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2.         5th Asia Pacific Adaptation Forum – Briefing Notes
3.         Eco Village Development as Climate solution proposals in South Asia:http://www.inforse.org/asia/pdf/Pub_EVD-SouthAsia.pdf
4.         EVD policy brief: http://www.inforse.org/asia/pdf/Conf16_EVD_Policy_Brief_20_05_2016_INFORSE_CANSA.pdf
5.         Advocacy Workshop Document 2015 July- Agree on Platform- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6AtVMsxI6haeEdmX25za1BLN3M/view?usp=sharing


COP21 EVD Side event, November 2015 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6AtVMsxI6haMVRIQTZ3UFNuclE/view?usp=sharing
UNFCCC, SB44, May in Bonn- EVD Side event 2016 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6AtVMsxI6haalVvTlpBUEhRQUE/view?usp=sharing
COP22 EVD Side event  8th November 2016:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6AtVMsxI6haLWctSHhSa3NBeVk/view?usp=sharing
COP22 EVD Side event  11th November 2016: http://inforse.org/europe/pdfs/Conf_16_COP22_sideevent_11_11_EVD_presentations_South_Asia.pdf
5th APAN forum Side event presentationhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6AtVMsxI6haNVA0eVQ4M3R5VWM/view?usp=sharing

Newsletters and other material

Sustainable Energy News: November 2016 :http://www.inforse.org/doc/SEN79.pdf
Sustainable Energy News: May 2016: http://www.inforse.org/doc/SEN78.pdf
Sustainable Energy News: December 2015: http://www.inforse.org/doc/SEN77.pdf

IDEA Activities, News and Events on the Project -

Upcoming Events

Kitchen Improvement Programme, Entrepreneur Training, National dialogue meeting

Latest Events

EVD Progress review meeting with local CBO- Arunalu Community Development Centre and community leaders- Village Development Societies- 31/01/2017

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Soil conservation training programme- 24/01/2017

Links and Resource Persons- Agrarian Services officer, Pallepola, Samurdi Officer ,Galahitiyagama

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Betel cultivation as a Livelihood- Training programme – 19/12/2016

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NGO Progress review meeting 29/ 11/2016
Participation- NGOs from the Matale District who are actively doing interventions, Divisional Secretaries Matale, Additional District Secretary matale, Planning Director Matale District, NGO Coordinator Matale, Organized by- District Secretary Matale

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COP22 Participation by Dumindu Herath of IDEA-  Presentation of EVD work at two side events organized by INSEDA and INFORSE- Novmeber 8th and 11th, 2016
During these sessions Dumindu Herath , Project manager of IDEA had discussions with Sri lankan focal points on the way forward for EVD in Sri lanka as well.

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Evaluation field visit- Shailendra Yashwant- 20/10/2016

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Participation and EVD Presentation at The 5th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum which brought together policymakers, scientists, donors, youth, and representatives from over 50 countries. -17,18,19 /10/2016

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IDEA School Awareness workshop : Awareness on Sustainable development, Climate change and Eco Village development for Students -Eco Leaders group- and Teachers from Mahawatte Maha Vidyalaya: 31/ 08/ 2016.

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Stove programme – Hapugasyaya – 26/08/2016

IDEA stove programme was held with the guidance of Technical officer of IDEA, MrLamasena and assistance from MrThilakaratne of Arunalu. 30 Anagi stoves were distributed to beneficiaries. The stove programme consisted of a brief awareness followed by a cooking demonstration and an Anagi stove installation demonstration. IDEA Project Manager, Dumindu Herath and Divinaguma Officer also participated in the event.

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Mushroom cultivation- Training programme – 24/08/2016

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Organic farming workshops – 02/07/2016 in Hapugasyaya and 07/15/2016 in Galahitiyagama


Disaster management Awareness workshop in Matale– 30/06/2016

Eco Village Development :IDEA together with Disaster Management officials in Matale and Arunalu, Facilitated a Disaster Risk Management Awareness workshop for Village Communities in Matale -30th June 2016

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1st Provincial Sustainable Development Engagement Platform- Organized by the Ministry of Sustainability and Wildlife of Sri Lanka – 27/06/2016

R M Amerasekera, Director of IDEA was invited to the Panel “Implementing Sustainable Development Policies and Strategies at Local and Provincial Government level” at 1st Provincial Sustainable Development Engagement Platform: "Localizing the Transformation" 27thJune 2016, 09.30 am- 05.30 pm, at Provincial Council, Pallekale, Kundasale.  MrAmerasekera briefed on the eco village concept and importance of incorporating village development planning in achieving sustainability. One of the EVD plans and Sustainable energy newsletters were presented to The Chief Minister of Central province , secretary of the ministry and advisor of the ministry. The Minister of Sustainability and Wildlife also attended this event. IDEA , Project coordinator MrDumindu Herath too attended this event.

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Vegetable and food dehydration awareness and demonstration workshop in Matale- 21/06/2016

Vegetables and fruit dehydration and drying demonstration workshop was held in Matale with the participation of villagers from two EVD demo villages- Dalupothagama and Galahitiyagama. The workshop was conducted by Vidya ha Thaakshana (Vidatha- Science and Technology centre) technical officer, Mrs Rasika. IDEA personnel ,MrHerath and MrLamasena, Arunalu secretary, Mr Lionel Perera too attended in this event.

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Stove Programme- Dalupothagama -11/06/2016

IDEA stove programme was held with the guidance of Technical officer of IDEA, MrLamasena and assistance from MrThilakaratne of Arunalu. 18 Anagi stoves were distributed to beneficiaries. The stove programme consisted of a brief awareness followed by a cooking demonstration and an Anagi stove installation demonstration.

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Organic farming/Home Gardening Awareness and training workshop –Organic fertilizer (compost production) and Home garden Management– Galahitiyagama- 27/05/2016

National Environment Day- Main event in Matale – 3-5th June 2016

IDEA , together with local partner Arunalu, organized a stall for the Environment day which was held in Matale. The Eco Village Concept was the theme of the exhibition stall. This Environment day event was organized by the Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment of Sri lanka and graced by the participation of His Excellency the President of Sri Lanka, MrMaithripalaSirisena and Ministers from the relevant ministries and key political figures.

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Participation in Bonn Sessions and Side Event – 20/05/2016

The side event  "South Asian Eco-village Solutions in NDC's and Climate Finance" was held together with with: INFORSE-South Asia, Idea Kandy (Sri Lanka), INSEDA, WAFD (India), DIB (Denmark), The Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, Crt-Nepal Nepal, Grameen Shakti (Bangladesh), and Climate Action Network South Asia (CANSA), The EVD Publication and Policy Brief was also launched at this event. http://www.inforse.org/asia/EVD.htm. IDEA project coordinator ,MrDuminduHerath participated in Bonn and spoke at the event on behalf of Sri Lankan EVD work.

Presentations, Speakers and Panel:

Moderator: Lykke Valentin, DIB, Denmark

Eco-Village Development: A Solution to Bridging the Gap Between Climate Intentions and Action
Setting the stage in South Asia: India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh
by KavitaShriya Myles, INFORSE-South Asia & INSEDA, WAFD India.

INDC of Bangladesh & Approach of Eco-Village Development (EVD) for Achieving Sustainability
by M. MahmodulHasan, Grameen Shakti, Bangladesh.

Linking Eco Village Development (EVD) to INDCs and National Agendas of Sri Lanka
by DuminduIndikaHerath, IDEA, Sri Lanka.

Accessing Climate Finance for EVD in South Asia
by AnoopPoonia, CAN South Asia.

Eco-Village Developmentas Climate Solution in South Asia. Local Solutions: Technology Needs
Mitigation Effects; Launch of Publication.
by Gunnar BoyeOlesen, INFORSE, VE; repr. Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy.

Policy Brief:http://www.inforse.org/asia/pdf/Conf16_EVD_Policy_Brief_20_05_2016_INFORSE_CANSA.pdf


Organic farming/Home Gardening Awareness and training workshop –Organic fertilizer (compost production) and Home garden Management– Dalupothagama- 29/03/2016

How to make compost,composting techniques and how to make nurseries were taught under these training sessions.  Filed visits to assess the progress of the ongoing demonstrations were also carried out. Regional Coordinator (INSEDA), Mr Ray Myles also attended the training session on the 29th of March 2016 and some field visits in Dalupothagama. IDEA Director R M Amerasekera and Project Coordinator MrDuminduHerath also attended this workshop.

Organic farming/Home Gardening Awareness and training workshop –stage 2– Hapugasyaya- 18/03/2106

How to make compost,composting techniques and how to make nurseries were thaught under these training sessions.  Filed visits to assess the progress of the ongoing demonstrations were also carried out.

Organic farming/Home Gardening Awareness and training workshop – Hapugasyaya- 04/03/2106

The first home gardening workshop for the Village Hapugasyaya was held on the 4th of March with resource person s MrRanjith and MrAbayawardana. The first half of the workshop was on raising awareness on the importance of organic farming and methods and EVD . Second half was based field demonstrations on how to make liquid organic fertilizers, crop towers...etc.

Organic farming/Home Gardening Awareness and training workshop – Dalupothagama-31/01/2106

The 1st home gardening workshop in the Village, Dalupothagama was held in one of the beneficiary houses with MrRanjith and MrAbayawardana serving as resource persons. The first half of the workshop was on raising awareness on the importance of organic farming and methods and EVD . Second half was based field demonstrations on how to make liquid organic fertilizers, crop towers ..etc.

Local Network Meeting- 22nd January 2015

Project Activities: Raising awareness and Discussion on Climate change, UNFCCC agreements on Climate Change –specifically on COP21

A network meeting was organized by IDEA with the intention of raising awareness of IDEA activities and outcomes of COP21 summit held in Paris, 2015 by United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC). This network event also marked the commemoration of 25years of IDEA services.  This event was  jointly held with the intention of fulfilling objecive  of  the projects “Promoting pro poor low carbon developments strategies in South Asia” and Evidence Based, Low Carbon, Pro-Poor Advocacy on Sustainable Eco-Village Development (EVD) with the contributions from IDEA. The COP21 awareness and discussion session was chaired by MrAmerasekera , CEO of IDEA, MrLeelasena,IDEA director board member and Prof Anojawickramasinghe, Faculty of Geography , University of Peradeniya.

MrAmerasekera initiated the session providing a background on Climate Change concerns. Professor AnojaWickramsinghe gave a historical background on COP agreements and the latest outcomes of COP21 Paris agreements.

Organic farming/Home Gardening Awareness and training workshop – Galahitiyagama -16/01/2106

A home gardening awareness and training workshop was held in Galahitiyagama village, Pallepola on the 16th of January, 2016. The objectives of this event is to raise awareness on the importance of organic farming /Home gardening in terms of health, household economy and standard of living, behavioral changes and dealing with impacts of Climate Change. This event was held at the village temple with the Venerable monk facilitating the temple hall for the awareness meeting. MrRanjithSenaratne from Sri Lanka Farmers Network and IDEA Project Director Mr S D Abayawardana participated as resource persons. MrRanjithSenaratne’s lecture was mainly based on the importance of organic farming which was followed by an interactive discussion with the villagers on the obstacles of home gardening from there past experience. Mr  S D Abayawardana was  able to provide a glimpse of Sri Lankan traditional home gardens. Project coordinator of IDEA, MrDuminduHerath, Arunalu Secretary, Mr Lionel Perera ,Arunalu President, Mrthilakaratne, GramaNiladhari (Village officer) and village development officials participated in this event. 

After the main awareness, an on field training was given to the participants on how to prepare land for better agricultural use-techniques- and preparation of organic fertilizers and pesticides.

COP21 Paris Participation- UNFCCC Climate Change Conference

IDEA personnel, MrNamizMusafer and MrDuminduHerath participated in the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference –COP21 held in Paris. MrNamizMusafer represented IDEA Sri Lanka in the side event.

National Dialogue meeting/National event- 12th November 2015

IDEA together with Janathakshan hosted a national workshop to brief  national stakeholders on Low Carbon development and Low Carbon Eco village Development projects.

Contributions to Village planning meetings 24 and 25th October 2015  – In two villages in Matale District

IDEA together with Arunalu organized a meeting for the villagers in Hapugasyaya and Dalupothagama to get the valuable inputs from villagers to structure a village development plan using PRA tools -to extract the information and feedback from the villagers .This is as one of the project activities under a similar project – Evidence Based Advocacy for pro poor low Carbon Eco Village Development in South Asia.   IDEA Director board member MrLeelasena,  IDEA Project coordinator MrDuminduHerath, Arunalu Secretary MrLionalPerera and two external planning consultants conducted the respective meetings at  Hapugasyaya  (24th) and Dalupothagama (25th).

Village planning meeting 19th september 2015  – Galahitiyagama

IDEA together with Arunalu organized a meeting for the villagers in Galahitiyagama to get the valuable inputs from villagers to structure a village developmet plan. IDEA CEO Mr Amerasekera, IDEA Director board member Mr Leelasena,  IDEA Project coordinator Mr Dumindu Herath, Arunalu Secretary Mr Lional Perera and two external planning consultants conducted the meeting activities with the help of the Rev monk at the local temple who facilitated with the venue for the event. The village meeting participants exceeded 80 and was representative. Some of the most appropriate PRA tools were used to extract the information and feedback from the villagers followed by some dialogue/discussion sessions

Objectives - To facilitate ;

  1. Participants to understand the importance of participatory planning and enable them to use selected participatory planning tools for the formulation of a village level development plan.
  2. Participants to analyse and understand the present socio-economic situation of their community along with resource potentials and reasons for the given situation.
  3. Participants to understand the present status of access to services and their livelihoods in terms of income, expenditure, savings, productivity, efficiency, energy use and carbon emissions along with causes.
  4. Participants to identify possible and feasible solution for the issues identified from above analysis and prioritise them and plan a 3 year programme with objectives, targets and resources required for implementation.



Mr Leelasena of IDEA giving a briefing on the objectives of the meeting        


Villagers involved in the social and resource mapping exercise


Villagers mapping their village,  based on their discussions and conclussions


Mr Jayamuni working on a group on wealth analysis and livelihoods



Group 2 of  villagers involved in another group activity



Mr Leelasena taking feedback on the common village issues from Group 3



Group activity to identify the best crops to grow in the village



Group activity to identfy/analyze the climate of the village- rainfall


Discussions on group activities and other  issues


Parallel to this meeting, IDEA Director Board member and Project officer (Technical) , Mr Lamasena, visited the sites where demonstrations are likely to happen- as identified before during field visits to the village and discussion with the villagers. Some possible demonstration activities were discussed and planned during his visits to the beneficiaries- Household Industrial stoves.

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Mr Lamasena inspecting sites for possible installation activities- Here for a household Industrial stove ,discussing on possible demonstrations with a beneficiary who is in to sweets production


Advocacy event on “Low Carbon Eco Village Development as a solution for Climate change” held on the 16th of July, 2015 in Pallepola.

IDEA together with local partner “Arunulu” organized an advocacy event for the planning and development officials, civil organizations and other relevant stakeholders based in Pallepola and Naula DS divisions. This workshop was to raise awareness on climate change , adaptation and mitigation options and to set the background for the Eco village development project  to be carried out in three villages under the two divisions.  The projects linked to this advocacy are “Evidence Based Advocacy for low-Carbon, pro-poor sustainable” Eco Village Development” (EVD) in South Asia” and “Promoting low carbon developments in Sri Lanka”.



Evidence Based Advocacy for low-Carbon, pro-poor sustainable” Eco Village Development” (EVD) in South Asia- Field visit Matale- 29th May 2015

IDEA personnel- CEO Mr R M Ameresekera and Project Coordinator, DuminduHerath  visited the  three selected villages- Identified to carry out the low carbon demonstrations under the EVD project.  The field visit was hosted by the project local partners “Arunalu Community Development Centre”. IDEA personnel were escorted by Lionel Perera, secretary of Arunalu and Achintha, an Arunalu official. The three villages selected for the demonstrations are Dalupothagama, Galahitiyagama and Hapugasyaya. All three villages are in the Matale district belonging to two DS divisions, Pallepola and Naula. 
Brief gatherings were held at Galahitiyagama and Hapugasyaya. The village gathering at Galahitiyagama was hosted at the village temple where few of the villagers were present. MrAmarasekera briefed the villagers on the EVD project , the effects of Climate change and plans ahead for formal awareness meetings and village planning .With wrapping up of this brief meeting , some of the village households were visited. In Hapugasyaya, MrThilakaratne, one of the development officers of the village hosted a brief meeting with a local Vetrinary official and a few representatives of the local Womens organization. MrTilakaratne, been a local villagers paved us the way to his household and the sustainable solutions he already uses such as Solar power ,Rain water harvesting and Organic farming. Our third destination, Dalupothagama was solely a field visit to explore the location and state of the village. The Personnel were able to talk with one of the representatives of the womens organization and exchange ideas on their livelihood and future project proceedings.



Kickoff workshop :7-12th April, 2015: Evidence Based Advocacy for low-Carbon, pro-poor sustainable” Eco Village Development” (EVD) in South Asia

IDEA personnel, Mr W M Leelasena, NamizMusafer and DuminduHerath took part in the kick off workshop for the Eco Village Development project. This seminar was intended to develop EVD concepts further and develop description of EVD concepts.  Apart from IDEA, organization from Bangladesh, Nepal, India and Denmark took part in this workshop as project partners. Discussions were on development of specific proposals for promotion of EVD in national climate and development policies, so they can be enabling frameworks for local EVD activities. These are specific proposals that the project would advocate on a national level.




Additional Project Information
Project's Aimed Achievements:
1. Establish an evidence base of advocating for EVD and the solutions and methods it includes. This documentation shall explain how EVD and its solutions drive sustainable, local development with poverty reduction and at the same time include climate mitigation and adaptation. This will be verified with the national availability of the evidence-base in publications and in public forum and on the websites of partner organizations.

2. Make solutions, including EVD, that combine climate action and fulfilling of development objectives, known among people and organizations that can influence the national decision-makers and negotiators. These include lower levels of administration (states in India, counties in other countries), national associations and NGOs, political contacts, and to influence climate negotiators also other climate negotiators NGOs active in the negotiations. This will be verified with an analysis of who influences national decision-makers, reports of presentations and dialogue with the relevant people and organizations, as well as with relevant information from them, such as publications and information about their events.

3. Make national decision-makers and climate negotiators aware of solutions, including EVD, that combine climate action and fulfilling of development objectives. This will be verified with reports of presentations and dialogue with the relevant decision-makers and negotiators.

4. Have solutions, such as EVD, that combine climate action and fulfilling of development objectives, included in national priorities for climate negotiations and in national climate actions that govern the framework for local development. This will be verified with reports from meetings with decision-makers and negotiators as well as speeches, positions etc. from them and reports from discussions on national climate actions.

Background of the Project:
The Project is building on the experiences of the participating organisations and two previous NGO cooperation projects:
- Link: Southern Voices on Climate Change Project (2011-2014)
- Link: Sustainable Energy to Poverty Reduction Project (2005-2008)

Contact the NGO project partner in your country.
If you are outside the region, contact INFORSE, INSEDA, DIB or CANSA.
The contacts can be found in the INFORSE database.
The Project is Supported by:
The Danish Grant Facility for NGOs’ development projects, CISU, which is funded by DANIDA.
INFORSE South Asia NGO Cooperation Project Description:
From January 2015 to August 2017, six NGO organisations of INFORSE-South Asia (India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka) cooperate on a joint project to strengthen the advocacy of NGOs to promote sustainable village development to limit climate change, protect environment and reduce poverty. The Project is coordinated by an INFORSE-Europe member organization, DIB, from Denmark. There is cooperation with INFORSE Secretariat and Climate Action Network - South Asia (CANSA), which are Partners of the Project.

The Participating Partners NGO Organizations are: 

Coordinator: DIB: Danish International Settlement Service, Denmark (www.dib.dk)
att. Christian Hedegaard Jensen, Lykke Valentin Kristiansen

India: INSEDA: Integrated Sustainable Energy and Ecological Development Association,
which is also INFORSE South Asia Coordinator (www.inseda.org)
att. Raymond Myles.
AIWC: All India Women's Conference (www.aiwc.org.in)
att. Geeta Sinha, Usha Nair, Kalyani Raj.
WAFD: Women's Action for Development (www.wafdindia.org)
att. Zareen Myles.
Nepal:  CRT: Centre for Rural Technology (www.crtnepal.org)
att. Ganesh Shrestha, Neeraz Shrestha, Lumin Kumar.
Sri Lanka: IDEA: Integrated Development Association (www.ideasrilanka.org)
att. Dumindu Indika Herath, R.M. Amerasekera, Namiz Musafer.
Bangladesh: Grameen Shakti (www.gshakti.org) 
att. Mohammad Mahmodul Hasan.

  International Network for Sustainable Energy (www.inforse.org)
att. Gunnar Boye Olesen, Judit Szoleczky.

   Climate Action Network South Asia(www.cansouthasia.net) 
att. Sanjay Vashist, Anoop Poonia.


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Template Design by Dumindu Herath